Enamel erosion refers to a type of deterioration of your tooth’s structure. The enamel is a hard outer layer that shields the rest of your tooth. Over time, the enamel can erode, exposing the vulnerable interior of your tooth. This can put you in danger of oral infections, tooth decay, and more dental concerns.
While anyone may form enamel erosion, certain people could face a greater danger of this damage to their smiles. Your dentist can discuss your unique risk of dental erosion when you schedule a dental appointment. But you can also read on to discover three risk factors that can heighten your chances of suffering from dental erosion.
People with Acidic Diets
You may have heard the phrase, “you are what you eat,” but it is true that your diet can have a major impact on your health, including for your teeth. If you consume acidic foods or beverages, these items can erode your tooth enamel over time.
To protect your smile, you might want to limit the amount of acid in your diet. Steer clear of citrus fruits and juices as well as sugary treats. Sugar will turn acidic when it reacts with your saliva, which will prove harmful to your tooth enamel.
Pay attention to the ingredients of the foods you eat so that you can reduce this risk to your smile. Consider alternative ways to flavor your meals, such as with spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. Look at the label on the snacks you purchase at the grocery store and choose snack options without added sugar.
If you do consume acidic food items, try rinsing your mouth after by drinking water. This will clear away some of the lingering acid from your teeth to reduce potential damage to your enamel.
Individuals with Poor Oral Hygiene
The natural bacteria in your mouth can aid digestion, but bacteria will also spread throughout your teeth and produce acid that can lead to dental erosion. You must take action to remove plaque and other residues from your teeth in a timely fashion with oral hygiene.
Good oral hygiene involves brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing. Skipping these steps may put your smile in danger. Make sure that you use proper technique and a consistent regimen in order to maximize oral cleanliness and ensure you get rid of as many harmful bacteria as possible.
Proper oral hygiene will also include routine check-ups at your dentist’s office. During these appointments, dentists can professionally clean your teeth and provide more preventive care that can help you curb enamel erosion.
Patients with Underlying Health Conditions
Certain chronic health concerns may contribute to dental erosion. Discuss your medical history with your dentist to ensure you receive the targeted care that you need for your unique smile.
For example, patients with acid reflux may regurgitate stomach acid into their mouths which can damage their teeth. Managing this problem is crucial to keeping your smile healthy.
Temporary conditions like pregnancy may also lead to hormonal changes or symptoms that can lead to dental erosion. In these cases, you should visit your dentist to find ways to protect your smile.