Dental Bridge Tyler, TX

If you’re missing teeth, you should replace them as soon as possible. It prevents things like your teeth shifting to try and fill the gap. A dental bridge can replace the entire span when missing multiple consecutive teeth. At Tyler Family Dental, we provide dental bridges as one of our restorative dentistry bridge treatment in tyler, texas

Getting a Dental Bridge in Tyler, TX

Before any procedure, we schedule a consultation to ensure the best solution for your dental problems. We perform a thorough oral examination and discuss your dental and medical history and budget. We must determine the correct solution for each patient’s unique needs.

Two natural anchor teeth or dental implants can support a fixed or removable dental bridge. We’ll review the options for you so we can move forward with the correct one. The preparation process is different depending on which one you’ll be getting.

If natural teeth anchor your bridge, we’ll prepare them so that we can fit the anchors onto them. We’ll also take impressions to make the bridge specifically for your smile. Finally, we’ll give you a temporary restoration that you can use for the few weeks it takes for the permanent restoration.

If dental implants will support your bridge, the implant placement surgery is first. We place titanium posts in the jawbone, and they require 3-6 months to heal and fuse with your bone. We’ll provide a temporary restoration during this time. Once healed, we’ll create the final restoration and fit it.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional bridges use natural teeth as the anchor teeth. We usually recommend fortifying the anchor teeth with dental crowns. A traditional bridge is made of porcelain and metal or ceramic.

We use a cantilever bridge when there’s only one tooth available to support it. It’s only anchored to one tooth.

A Maryland bridge is typically used to replace your front teeth. The framework is porcelain or metal and we bond it to the back of the teeth adjacent to the bridge. It’s less invasive than the other kinds of bridges.

The most highly recommended bridge is implant-supported. Instead of natural teeth anchoring the bridge, dental implants are the anchor. It’s the most stable dental bridge you can get, making it easier to eat a varied diet.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges

One of the most prominent benefits of dental bridges is improving the appearance of your smile. Missing teeth can make you insecure and self-conscious, hiding your smile publicly. When you complete your smile again, you can smile freely and feel confident socializing.

A bridge helps keep the shape of your face. When you lose teeth, the jawbone deteriorates in that area. The facial muscles rely on your teeth to support them. Without them, the face begins to sag, prematurely aging your appearance.

When teeth are missing, the ones around them try to shift to fill the gap. This shifting causes an uneven bite and other bite issues. When a dental bridge is in place, it prevents the teeth around it from moving.

Replacing missing teeth restores balance to your bite and improves your oral health. When you’re missing teeth, the other teeth must overcompensate when breaking down food. Your teeth wear down faster and can become overworked. It also impacts how your bite comes together. An uneven bite can cause strain and contribute to breaking down the jaw joint. A dental bridge helps even the bite again and ensures it moves smoothly.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re missing teeth, it’s essential to replace them quickly. Schedule an appointment online or call us to learn more.